Reasons that will make you start recycling.
Nowadays, our lifestyle favours consumerism, we are the “throwaway” generation.
Every year we buy tons of products that, practically at the same time, end up in landfills. However, thanks to simple gestures such as recycling, we can counteract this effect by giving a second use to materials that are still useful. Recycling consists of creating new articles from others that have already been used, reducing the use of new natural resources, energy consumption and the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
We will tell you some reasons and curiosities about recycling.
5 reasons to recycle:
5 recycling facts
Recycling and reusing are vitally important if we want to extend the life of our planet. You can reuse the water from our vegetables to give it culinary use. Find out what it is and what it is for in our article.
5 tips for recycling
Recycling is a decision that contributes to everyone’s well-being. More and more of us are recycling, but we still have a long way to go to recycle and be more sustainable for our planet. Recycling is a task to which we must all commit ourselves 100% in our daily lives. Will you join us?
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