SISTERS takes part in Fruit Attraction 2024
SISTERS was highly active this week at Fruit Attraction 2024 in Madrid, Spain. As one of the world’s leading fairs in the fruit and vegetable sector, with over 2,000 exhibitors from 56 countries and more than 10,000 visitors, the fair gave SISTERS extensive visibility.
Fruit Attraction offers a unique opportunity for networking and collaboration, with a strong focus on innovation across the entire agrifood value chain, including primary production, logistics, processing, packaging, and the commercialisation of fresh produce. It provided an excellent scenario to showcase the holistic approach of SISTERS solutions that address food loss and waste across key steps of the value chain.
Presentation of SISTERS’ Innovation Advancements
On the first day of the fair, SISTERS organised a forum titled “Key Strategies to Reduce Food Waste in Primary Production”. The event was coordinated by The Real Green Food and featured participation from Innovarum, CNTA, and Anecoop, who shared the latest results and advancements from SISTERS' innovations.

Innovarum, introduced Regioneo, a ready-to-use app that provides a direct sales platform for primary producers to sell fruits and vegetables that do not meet market standards (e.g., size, shape, or appearance) but are perfectly nutritious and healthy. Regioneo already has its first subscribers and is offering a free 1-year trial.
The Real Green Food, alongside CNTA, showcased the successful results from the optimisation and validation of smart food containers for fresh products like mushrooms. These containers monitor environmental variables, such as CO2, and maintain the cold chain, extending shelf life and aiming to mitigate discarded food during transportation.
The forum was further enriched by the presence of Anecoop, the largest import-export company for fresh produce in Spain and one of the biggest in the EU. Anecoop highlighted its capabilities, reach, and support for innovation, as it will replicate Regioneo, smart containers, and other SISTER solutions at project’s end.
SISTERS and Related EU projects Toward Zero Waste
Innovarum, SISTERS’ leader of communication and dissemination, represented the project on the second day of the fair, giving a talk at the workshop “Zero Waste: Obligations and Opportunities in the Food Chain". The session was kicked off by the Sustainability Department of the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food, showcasing efforts and national legislative initiatives to effectively tackle food waste reduction. Following this, SISTERS, along with three other European projects it collaborates with, shared their main innovations. The projects presented were:
BREADCRUMB, represented by Anecoop and AINIA, examines how marketing standards on aesthetics contribute to waste in fruits and vegetables, meat, eggs, cereals, and fish, developing targeted solutions for each commodity.
ROSETTA, represented by Freshis, develops solutions such as new markets and consumer behaviour shifts to mitigate edible food waste caused by strict market standards.
FOLOU, represented by Espigoladors, focuses on primary production, defining standardised methodologies and developing IA-based technologies for measuring and analysing food losses.
You can read more about these initiatives and how SISTERS collaborate with them to create synergies and amplify their impact in our previous blog post.

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